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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Concept of Guidance

Guidance is a process whereby an individual is helped to understand himself in all ramifications, so that he can effectively utilize his potentialities or talents. It is the assistance made available by competent counsellors to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions, carry his own burdens (Uwaifo & Uddin, 2009). According to Egbochukwu and Iyamu (2000), guidance is that aspect of educational programme which is concerned especially with helping the pupil to become adjusted to his present situation and to plan his future in line with his interests, abilities and social needs.

According to Anagbogu (1992), Guidance involves personal help given by someone; it is designed to assist a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do or how he can best accomplish his purpose; it assists him to solve problems that arise in his life. Guidance is a process which helps every individual to help himself, to recognize and use his own inner potentials, to set goals, to work out his own problems of development. It is a continuous process needed from childhood to old age; guidance is not separate from education but is an essential part of the total educational programme. It is broader than counselling and includes counselling as one of its services. According to Adugbo (2005), the two phases of counselling are 'adjustive' and 'distributive'. In adjustive phase, the emphasis is on the social, personal and emotional problems of the individual; in the distributive phase the focus is on his educational, vocational and occupational problems. Nwaokolo (2006) has described Adugbo's distributive phase as guidance and adjustive phase as counselling.
To Olayinka and Omoegun (2001), guidance programme is based on eight principles, which are:
1.  The dignity of the individual is supreme.
2.  Individuals differ.
3.  The primary concern of guidance is the individual in his social setting.
4.  The attitudes and personal perceptions of the individual are the bases on which he acts
5.  Individual generally acts to enhance his perceived self
6.  The individual has the innate ability to learn and can be helped to make choice that will lead to self-direction consistent with social improvement
7.  The individual needs a continuous guidance process from early childhood through adulthood
8.  Each individual may at times need the information and personal assistance best given by competent professional person.

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