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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Performance Evaluation for an online supermarket

Performance Evaluation.
            During the testing process (both verification and validation testing) we noticed the website performed the expected function. It runs faster on a local network in which it is being tested and we presume that it will be as such on the internet depending on the speed of the pc, the operating system, and connection speed. With these findings, it could be assumed that the website is very efficient and has high performance.

                                                      CHAPTER SIX
A human being is subjected to stress, moods, anger, lack of concentrations, drowsiness etc. each of which adversely affects his or her performance. Also a human being can become bored when the same type of task has been done repeatedly. Based on this, I have been able to put up a computerized system of online supermarket that will relieve man of this boredom and make buying and selling more efficient. On the verge of this project work, I have been exposed to the necessary percussions involved in data generation, security, integrity and storage and I applied the same in this website development.
      I encountered a lot of resistance from shop owners. There were unwilling to give me the information needed about information flow in their shop and act of ignorance they resisted me from taking pictures.
     Another major problem I encountered was during coding, how to link with credit card. And make accurate deduction from customers credit card account. Thanks to the internet’s World Wide Web service where I located very useful ideas.
6.3       CONCLUSION
The Internet has become a major resource in modern business, thus electronic Shopping has gained significance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also from the customer’s point of view. For the entrepreneur,
electronic shopping generates new business opportunities and for the customer, it makes comparative shopping possible. “Website design is like a shop interior. If the shop looks poor or like hundreds of other shops the customer is most likely to skip to the other site”. Hence we have designed the project to provide the user with easy navigation. In this project, the user is provided with an e-commerce web site that can be used
to buy goods online.
This project helps in understanding the creation of an interactive web page and the technologies used to implement it. The design of the project which includes Data Model and Process Model illustrates how the database is built with different tables, how the data is accessed and processed from the tables. The building of the project has given me a precise knowledge about how Dreamweaver is used to develop a website, how it connects to the database to access the data and how the data and web pages are modified to provide the user with accurate results. Lets embrace this and give a new look to our marketing industry.
      It is recommended that the new system be used by any marketing organization in any country, although some modification may be necessary in the software to be able to take care of differences in market places to meet your marketing needs. Some of the place that needs more attention is in the case of shopping cart.

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