Client-side Web page processing is achievable through compiled programs downloaded, installed, and executed on the client workstation or by creating scripts with the HTML Web page commands interpreted by the client browser.
Downloading and running compiled programs on client workstations. When a user clicks a hyperlink on a Web page associated with a compiled client-side program, the user’s browser must have the ability to run the executable program file; this program interacts with the user, sending and retrieving data from a database server as needed.
Many times, the user is asked to install certain ActiveX components to view some animations or play games. This new component plugs in into the existing system, thus extending the functionality of the system.
Java Applets are another example of compiled programs on client workstations. An applet is a program written in the Java programming language that can be included in an HTML page, much in the same way an image is included in a page. When we use a Java technology-enabled browser to view a page that contains an applet, the applet's code is transferred to our system and executed by the browser
Client-side scripts. In a client-side script, source code written in such languages as JavaScript and VBScript is embedded in an HTML document, along with the static HTML text; it is placed within delimiter tags to indicate to the user’s browser that the text is code that must be interpreted. If the user’s browser is able to recognize and interpret the code, it is processed. If the browser is unable to recognize and interpret the code, it is displayed as text on the Web page.
Although basic client-side scripts cannot be used by a Web page to interact with a remote database, they are often used to validate user inputs entered on HTML forms submitted for processing by a server-side program; for example, a script running on a client workstation might check the inputs users submit to a Web page to make sure they entered all required data and appropriate data values. This approach avoids transmitting inputs to the Web server that are incomplete or include errors, while offloading error checking and handling from the Web server program to the client workstation.
Client-side scripts can also be used to create advanced Web page features, including: animations, calculations, playing sound and video, and image maps allowing users to move their cursors over an image and click to access different Web page links.
JavaScript is the most commonly used client-side scripting language and is supported by most browsers.
Use of a client-side scripting language depends on the user’s operating system, browser platforms, and developer expertise. If the Web pages in question are to be accessed by a variety of users over the Internet, JavaScript is probably better than VBScript, as JavaScript is the only scripting language able to run on nearly all browsers. If the Web pages are to be accessed on an intranet and if the organization has standardized on Microsoft’s browser and Web server, VBScript is a satisfactory scripting language for creating client-side scripts.
With all the web pages of this online supermarket now fully developed (i.e. designed and Implemented), this integration stage deals with bringing these web pages together to form a website. During this stage, we found out that the pages were easily joined except when there was a data exchange between them. In such a case of data exchange, I encountered problem which lead to logical error in the computation of data in the website. We were able to track the problem down and solve it during the integration testing.
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate view of specification, design and coding. The increasing visibilities of software as a system element and attachment “coast” associated with the software failure are motivating force for well planned , through testing. Hence, software testing is the stage in development cycle during which the program is executed with the intention of finding and correcting errors. The requirement of the client as determined during investigation is compared against the software performance. Redesign -and coding of different units and submit of the software may be done if any defiance in the performance standard is detected. Testing is either done at module level (verification testing) or either entire system implementation (validation Testing). In the development of this online super-market, both verification and validation were carried out. This was done to avoid caring an error from one stage of the system life to another stage. It has proved that the cost of correcting the error at the next stage of development will amount to about three (3) times what it would have cost if discovered earlier enough.
5.6.1 Test Plan
At each stage/phase of this website development, there were verification tests. The specification documentation was verified with my supervisor for conformity with the requirements or the problem statement being addressed. After the development of the system design document, the specification document guided us and at the end, the design document was verified to ascertain conformity with the specification document. All these tests were being carried out to avoid error in the system when it is fully diploid to the internet. When the design was verified and confirmed to be in conformity with the specification document, we continued with the system implementation or coding. When the entire system was completed, I proceeded to validation testing. At this stage, the completed website was tested against its specification document. We were satisfied with the result.
5.6.2 Test Result (Actual versus Expected) The result of the tests carried out was as expected. The tests carried out includes customer registration, customer purchase with credit card, customer login, customer authentication, Admin login, Admin authentication, update inventory, delete inventory, Add products and many more. The summary of the test result is as shown in the table below.
Test Conducted | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Customer registration | A customer should be able to register. | Customer registration was successful |
Customer login | A customer should be able to login with his username and password | Customer was able to login with his username and password. |
Admin login | The administrator should be able to login with his username and password to view admin page. | Admin login was successful |
View customers | The admin should be able to view customers that have registered on his cite | The admin was able to view customers and their details. |
View ordered goods | The admin should be able to see the order placed by his customers. | Admin was able to view order list, customer name and goods ordered |
View payment | The admin should be able to view his statement of account. | The admin was able to get the report of his sales online |
Placing an order | The customers should be able to place order for goods and the money equivalent deducted from his/her account | The customer was able to place order for goods and only the specified amount was deducted from their account. |
Create a valid credit account to use and purchase online | The customer should be able to create a valid credit account to shop with | Customer was able to create a valid credit card account and use the pin to shop. |
Other things were tested in like manner and the results gotten were as specified. |
Table 5.2
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