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Monday, 29 July 2013

Challenges of Implementing Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria

Entrepreneurship education leads to acquisition of practical and applied skills and basic scientific knowledge but there are some challenges in implementing entrepreneurship in Nigeria.
-      Insufficient funding
-      Insufficient periods for practical
-      Inadequate laboratory facilities

-      Lack of manpower
-      Unfavourable public attitudes
-      Poor attitude towards practical work
1.  Insufficient Funding: Adequate amount of funding is not provided for the effective teaching of entrepreneurship education. Olaitan (2001) noted that inadequate funding is a major challenge which can limit the level of participation of students and education of students and educators in practical work.
2.  Insufficient Periods for Practical: For students to acquire skill acquisition programme, adequate amount of time should be allocated for practical. Olaitan (2001) argues that students will definitely not have adequate opportunity to cover ground in the departmental practical courses but good amount of time should be allocated.
3.  Inadequate Laboratory Facilities:Okoro (1983) stresses that students have to work in well-equipped laboratories for learning to take place in any skill-oriented subject and for maximum output in practical work.
4.  Lack of Manpower:Entrepreneurship education is faced with challenges of inadequate manpower to effectively implement the programme this is because some of the educators and instructors are ‘half-baked’ and cannot give what they do not have.
5.  Unfavourable Public Attitudes:The attitudes of the public towards entrepreneurship education has deprived the course from receiving proper attention that can be led to successful implementation of entrepreneurship.
6.  Poor Attitude towards Practical Work: Lack of proper knowledge of the occupational benefits of entrepreneurship education at N.C.E. level and the general believe of the expensive nature of the course can result in lack of interest and low level participation of students in practical work.
Prospects of Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria
        There are challenges of identifying the various groups of entrepreneurs that require entrepreneurial knowledge, attitudes and skills and there after provide them with appropriate entrepreneurship education through the various vocational educational programmes. Barker (1980) identified various groups of people who need entrepreneurship education. These include future entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs, existing entrepreneurs, and growth oriented entrepreneurs. These are challenges of funding entrepreneurship education programmes in our school systems. Finance plays a major role in the entrepreneurship education programme. Successful but there is diversion of funds to other purpose. Much of the skills and experience acquired as a result of training in vocational education could be used to start entrepreneurship concerns needed in the country. Some entrepreneurial offshoots from the business education dimension of vocational technical education including a typing, duplicating and photostating facility centre, business consultancy, a graduate from the technical education section could be self-employed in areas like wood work, carpentry and furniture making. Therefore, the issue of capital, choice of concern and location of an enterprise unit should be a major concern in entrepreneurship. Hence, entrepreneurship education is a tool with possibilities of nation building.

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